Resilient Pastures Symposium
Vol. 17 (2021)Papers presented at the Resilient Pastures Symposium, Lake Karapiro, Waikato on 11 and 12 May 2021.
Editor: G B Douglas
Hill Country Symposium
Vol. 16 (2016)Papers presented at the Hill Country Symposium, Rotorua 12-13 April 2016, with the aim of reviewing the science, hearing from farmers and other practitioners, and discussing what the future should look like.
Editor: E R Thom
Pasture Persistence Symposium
Vol. 15 (2011)Papers presented at a symposium looking at the issues around pasture persistence in grazing systems.
Editor: C F Mercer
6th International Symposium on Fungal Endophytes of Grasses
Vol. 13 (2007)International ryegrass endophyte research.
Editors: A J Popay and E R Thom
Advances in Plant Breeding
Vol. 12 (2006)This book contains 31 papers extracted from the Proceedings of the 13th Australasian Plant Breeders Conference held in Christchurch in April 2006. The page numbers below refer to those published in R&P 12 not the ones on the original conference papers.
Editor: C F Mercer
Legumes for Dryland
Vol. 11 (2003)Dryland farming regions make up a significant area of the east Coast of both Islands and suffer from summer moisture deficits in the majority of years.
Editor: D J Moot
Using Trees on Farms (Workshop)
Vol. 10 (2003)Information relevant to farmers for using trees on the farm.
Editor: J F L Charlton
Nutrition and Management of Deer on Grazing Systems
Vol. 9 (2002)Key papers from a symposium focusing on current research principles for deer in a pastoral system.
Editor: M J Casey
Pasture and Forage Plants for New Zealand
Vol. 8 (2014)The 4th edition of this book with more depth and up to date research. Recommended for agricultural students and agribusiness professionals.
Editors: Alan Stewart, Graham Kerr, Warwick Lissaman, Jacqueline Rowarth
This volume is available for purchase. Contact:
Ryegrass Endophyte: An Essential NZ Symbiosis
Vol. 7 (1999)A symposium looking at the positive and negative effects of the ryegrass endophyte in NZ pastoral systems.
Editors: D R Woodfield and C Matthew
White Clover: NZ's Competitive Edge
Vol. 6 (1995)Information on white clover morphology and production from leading NZ researchers.
Editor: D R Woodfield
A Guide to Pasture and Pasture Species for the New Zealand High Country
Vol. 4 (1995)Editors: D Scott, L A Mausell, J M Keoghan, B E Allan, WL Louther, G G Cossens