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- M.G. Lambert, M.S. Paine, G.W. Sheath, R.W. Webby, A.J. Litherlandr, T.J. Fraser, D.R. Stevens, How do sheep and beef farmers manage pasture quality? , Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association: Volume 62, 2000, Invercargill
- M.D. Rollo, G.W. Sheath, M.W.A. Slay, T.L. Knight, T.G. Judd, N.A. Thomson, Tall fescue and chicory for increased summer forage production , Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association: Volume 60, 1998, Nelson
- J.A. Baars, J.E. Radcliffe, M.D. Rollo, Climatic change effects on seasonal patterns of pasture production in New Zealand , Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association: Volume 51, 1990, Wanganui
- A.K. Mcdermott, D.C. Smeaton, G.W. Sheath, A.E. Dooley, A model of the New Zealand beef value chain: evaluating opportunities , Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association: Volume 67, 2005, New Plymouth
- D.F. Chapman, G.W. Sheath, M.J. Macfarlane, P.J. Rumball, B.M.Cooper G. Crouchley, J.H. Hoglund, K.H. Widdup, PERFORMANCE OF SUBTERRANEAN AND WHITE CLOVER VARIETIES IN DRY HILL COUNTRY , Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association: Volume 47, 1986, Whangarei
- D.G. Mccall, R.J. Townsley, J.S. Bircham, G.W. Sheath, THE INTERDEPENDENCE OF ANIMAL INTAKE, PRE-AND POST-GRAZING PASTURE MASS AND STOCKING DENSITY , Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association: Volume 47, 1986, Whangarei
- A.K. Metherell, B.S. Thorrold, S.J.R. Woodward, D.G. Mccall, P.R. Marshall, J.D. Morton, K.L. Johns, A decision support model for fertiliser recommendations for grazed pasture , Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association: Volume 59, 1997, Auckland
- R.W. Webby, G.W. Sheath, The impacts of change in forage quality and seasonality on sheep farm profitability , Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association: Volume 62, 2000, Invercargill
- P.R. Marshall, D.G. Mccall, K.L. Johns, Stockpol: A decision support model for livestock farms , Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association: Volume 53, 1991, Whakatane
- G.W. Sheath, LOTUS PEDUNCULATUS -AN AGRICULTURAL PLANT? , Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association: Volume 42, 1981, Greymouth