About the Journal
ISSN:2463-2880 (online); 2463-2872 (print)
The Journal of New Zealand Grasslands publishes peer-reviewed papers with a focus on temperate grassland research. The scope of the journal includes all aspects of pastoral research including agronomy, soils, animals, agricultural extension and farm-systems research.
Types of paper include research articles, literature reviews, perspectives on specific topics and agricultural practice papers that demonstrate the application of previously published scientific research.
The Journal is owned and published by the New Zealand Grassland Association (NZGA). The aim of the NZGA is to enhance pastoral agriculture by providing a forum for communication of science, technology and knowledge. Formed in 1931, the NZGA facilitates discussion on grassland farming, and promotes the value of research and its application. Our membership includes a wide range of scientists, consultants, agribusiness and farmers making it truly fuelled by science and tempered by experience.
The Journal has been published since 1932 (prior to 2015 as the Proceedings of the NZ Grassland Association) so provides a long-term resource reflecting agricultural research and innovation.
Open access: All articles published by the Journal of New Zealand Grasslands are freely and permanently accessible online immediately upon publication.