An evaluation of tall fescue, phalaris and cocksfoot in mixes as an alternative to single-species pastures


  • R.J. Johnson
  • N.A. Thomson
  • D.A. Mccallum
  • T.G. Judd



Seasonal and annual dry matter production of ryegrass was compared with drought- and grass grub-tolerant species Grasslands Roa tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.), Grasslands Maru phalaris (Phalaris aquatica L.) and Grasslands Kara cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata L.) as both single species and different combinations of mixes in two trials from 1982 to 1991. In trial 1, Nui ryegrass (damaged by Argentine stem weevil) produced significantly less than cocksfoot, phalaris and mixtures of the drought-tolerant grasses. Yatsyn-1 ryegrass in trial 2 was not subjected to stem weevil attack and the annual dry matter production was significantly higher than that of tall fescue and, although not significantly, higher than that of phalaris and cocksfoot. In both trials the highest producing mixture was the phalaris/ cocksfoot mix with the exception of the triple mix of phalaris/cocksfoot/tall fescue in trial 2. The phalaris/cocksfoot mix produced significantly more than phalaris as a single species and although not significant, 14% more than cocksfoot suggesting these species are complementary in a mix. The triple mix in trial 2 produced significantly more than all single species except ryegrass. Mixes of srgnificant. tall fescue/phalaris and tall fescue/cocksfoot had no advantage in DM production over single-species sowings of phalaris or cocksfoot, but improved yields over tall fescue. These results show possible complementary effects to sowing phalaris and cocksfoot. The addition of tall fescue to the mix had small and non-significant benefits. Keywords: Dactylis glomerata, Festuca arundinacea, Loliumperenne, Phalaris aquatica. grass grub, pasture mixes, pasture production, single species, summer dry spells







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