Pasture renewal on Bay of Plenty and Waikato dairy farms: impacts on pasture production and invertebrate populations post-establishment


  • K.N. Tozer
  • G.M. Rennie
  • W.M. King
  • N.R. Mapp
  • N.L. Bell
  • C.A. Cameron
  • T.M. Eden



The impact of renewal on pasture production was determined by monitoring renewed and unrenewed pastures on five farms in each of Bay of Plenty and Waikato for 3 years, excluding the year after sowing (establishment). Renewed pastures produced an additional 1.5 t dry matter (DM)/ha averaged over both regions in the second year after establishment and 1.9 t DM/ha in each of the third and fourth years. Renewed pastures also had greater clover DM content in spring and summer and lower broadleaf weed DM content in winter. Perennial ryegrass tiller densities were similar in renewed and unrenewed pastures in both regions. There were fewer white-fringed weevil, black beetle and total nematodes in renewed pastures on at least one of the sampling times. It was concluded that higher clover content, fewer weeds, and fewer insect pests contributed to greater DM production in renewed pastures. Keywords: Pasture renewal; dairy pastures; pasture persistence; DM production; regrassing







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