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- D.I. Gray, W.J. Parker, E.A. Kemp, P.D. Kemp, I.M. Brookes, D. Horne, P.R. Kenyon, C. Matthew, S.T.Morris J.I. Reid, I. Valentine, Feed planning - alternative approaches used by farmers , Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association: Volume 65, 2003, Palmerston North
- W.J. Parker, N.M. Shadbolt, D.I. Gray, Strategic planning in grassland farming: Principles andapplications , Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association: Volume 59, 1997, Auckland
- D.I. Gray, P.D. Kemp, P.R. Kenyon, S.T. Morris, I.M. Brookes, C. Matthew, M. Osborne, Strategies used to manage climatic risk: Lessons from farmers with expertise in dryland farming , Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association: Volume 70, 2008, Blenheim
- D.I. Gray, J.I. Reid, P.D. Kemp, I.M. Brookes, D. Horne, P.R. Kenyon, C. Matthew, S.T. Morris, I. Valentine, Summer management of sheep on summer-wet hill country: insights into decisions made by an "expert" farmer , Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association: Volume 67, 2005, New Plymouth
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- A.D. Mackay, D.I. Gray, I.M. Brookes, R.A. Barker, J.E. Blakeley, Towards more sustainable biological hill country sheep and beef farming , Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association: Volume 53, 1991, Whakatane
- S.T. Morris, P.C.H. Morel, P.R. Kenyon, P.D. Kemp, D.L. Burnham, D.M. West, S.W.M. Peterson, D.I. Gray, I. Scott, W.E. Pomroy, Year-round lamb production in the Manawatu region - results from year one , Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association: Volume 66, 2004, Ashburton
- D.I. Gray, J.I. Reid, D.J. Horne, The management of risk in a dryland environment , Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association: Volume 73, 2011, Gisborne
- J.R. Nicholls, D.I. Gray, A. Wright, P.A.G. Fraser, Adjustment strategies used by hill country farmers , Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association: Volume 51, 1990, Wanganui