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- K.C. Cameron, H.J. Di, J.L. Moir, A.H.C. Roberts, Reducing nitrate leaching losses from a Taupo pumice soil using a nitrification inhibitor eco-n , Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association: Volume 69, 2007, Wairakei
- K.L. Davis, N.A. Thomson, N.R. Mclean, D.A. Mccallum, R.J. Hainsworth, A.J. Wards, R.G. Barton, Pasture growth on dairy farms in the Golden Bay and West Coast of the South Island , Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association: Volume 60, 1998, Nelson
- J.D. Morton, A.H.C. Roberts, Pasture production responses to fertiliser on renovated West Coast pakihi soils , Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association: Volume 68, 2006, Dunedin
- A.H.C. Roberts, N.A. Thomson, THE CONSEQUENCE OF NOT APPLYING SUPERPHOSPHATE FERTILISER ON TARANAKI DAIRY PASTURE , Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association: Volume 49, 1988, Matamata
- S.F. Ledgard, G.A. Edgecombe, A.H.C. Roberts, Application of the nutrient budgeting model OVERSEERâ„¢ to assess management options and Regional Council consent requirements on a Hawke's Bay dairy farm , Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association: Volume 61, 1999, Hawkes Bay
- M.J. Hartley, N.A. Thomson, EFFECT AND CONTROL OF CALIFORNIAN THISTLE IN DAlRY PASTURE , Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association: Volume 43, 1982, New Plymouth
- N.A. Thomson, J.K. Kay, Milksolids production from cows grazing timothy/white clover in comparison with ryegrass pastures , Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association: Volume 67, 2005, New Plymouth
- R.J. Johnson, N.A. Thomson, D.A. Mccallum, T.G. Judd, An evaluation of tall fescue, phalaris and cocksfoot in mixes as an alternative to single-species pastures , Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association: Volume 56, 1994, Hanmer Springs
- G.J.Rys I.M. Ritchie, R.G. Smith, N.A. Thomson, G. Crouchley, W. Stiefel, THE PERFORMANCE OF 'GRASSLANDS MATUA' PRAIRIE GRASS IN THE SOUTHERN NORTH ISLAND , Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association: Volume 39, 1977, Palmerston North
- T.G. Judd, N.A. Thomson, D.A. Mccallum, Pasture management and pasture species for improved dry matter production in south Taranaki , Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association: Volume 51, 1990, Wanganui