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- K. Betteridge, D.A. Costall, F.Y. Li, D. Luo, S. Ganesh, Why we need to know what and where cows are urinating - a urine sensor to improve nitrogen models , Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association: Volume 75, 2013, Tauranga
- F.Y. Li, R. Vibart, R.A. Dynes, I. Vogeler, M. Brown, Effects of weather variability on sheep and beef farming in northern Southland, New Zealand: A modelling analysis , Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association: Volume 74, 2012, Gore
- R. Cichota, I. Vogeler, V.O. Snow, M. Shepperd, Modelling the effect of a nitrification inhibiter on N leaching from grazed pastures , Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association: Volume 72, 2010, Lincoln
- G.M. Lucci, M. Shepherd, I. Vogeler, An assessment of the implications of timing and soil nitrogen dynamics during and after summer drought on Waikato Allophanic soils , Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association: Volume 75, 2013, Tauranga
- R. Cichota, I. Vogeler, F.Y. Li, J. Beautrais, Deriving pasture growth patterns for Land Use Capability Classes in different regions of New Zealand , Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association: Volume 76, 2014, Alexandra