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- D.C. Corson, G.C. Waghorn, M.J. Ulyatt, J. Lee, NIRS: Forage analysis and livestock feeding , Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association: Volume 61, 1999, Hawkes Bay
- G.C. Waghorn, M.H. Tavendale, D.R. Woodfield, Methanogenesis from forages fed to sheep , Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association: Volume 64, 2002, West Coast
- D. Pacheco, G.C. Waghorn, Dietary nitrogen - definitions, digestion, excretion and consequences of excess for grazing ruminants , Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association: Volume 70, 2008, Blenheim
- S.L. Woodward, C.D. Waugh, C.G. Roach, D. Fynn, J. Phillips, Are diverse species mixtures better pastures for dairy farming? , Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association: Volume 75, 2013, Tauranga
- J.M. Lee, S.L. Woodward, G.C. Waghorn, D.A. Clark, Methane emissions by dairy cows fed increasing proportions of white clover (Trifolium repens) in pasture , Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association: Volume 66, 2004, Ashburton
- N.S. Bolan, P.D. Kemp, A review of factors affecting and prevention of pasture-induced nitrate toxicity in grazing animals , Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association: Volume 65, 2003, Palmerston North
- D.R. Woodfield, J.R. Caradus, Factors affecting white clover persistence in New Zealand pastures , Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association: Volume 58, 1996, Oamaru
- G.C. Waghorn, G.B. Douglas, J.H. Niezen, W.C. Mcnabb, A.G. Foote, Forages with condensed tannins - their management and nutritive value for ruminants , Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association: Volume 60, 1998, Nelson
- P.D. Kemp, A.D. Mackay, L.A. Matheson, M.E. Timmins, The forage value of poplars and willows , Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association: Volume 63, 2001, Hamilton
- A.M. Powell, P.D. Kemp, Ik D. Jaya, M.A. Osborne, Establishment, growth and development of plantain and chicory under grazing , Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association: Volume 69, 2007, Wairakei