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- J.A. Lile, M.B. Blackwell, N.A. Thomson, J.W. Penno, K.A. Macdonald, P.K. Nicholas, J.A.S. Lancaster, M. Coulter, Practical use of the rising plate meter (RPM) on New Zealand dairy farms , Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association: Volume 63, 2001, Hamilton
- N.A. Thomson, M.P. Upsdell, R. Hooper, H.V. Henderson, M.B. Blackwell, D.A. Mccallum, R.J. Hainsworth, K.A. Macdonald, D.D. Wildermoth, G.J. Bishop-Hurley, J.W. Penno, Development and evaluation of a standardised means for estimating herbage mass of dairy pastures using the rising plate meter. , Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association: Volume 63, 2001, Hamilton
- K.A. Macdonald, J.W. Penno, P.K. Nicholas, J.A. Lile, M. Coulter, J.A.S. Lancaster, Farm systems - Impact of stocking rate on dairy farm efficiency , Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association: Volume 63, 2001, Hamilton
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