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- J.P.J. Eerens, K.B. Miller, J.G.H. White, H.S. Easton, R.J. Lucas, Ryegrass endophyte and sheep reproduction , Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association: Volume 56, 1994, Hanmer Springs
- A.J.E. Moorhead, J.G.H. White, P. Jarvis, R.J. Lucas, J.R. Sedcole, Effect of sowing method and fertiliser application on establishment and first season growth of Caucasian clover , Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association: Volume 56, 1994, Hanmer Springs
- M.P. Rolston, P.T.P. Clifford, J.F.L. Charlton, J.G. Hampton, J.G.H. White, A.G. Wright, D. Knox, New Zealand's herbage seed industry: an overview , Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association: Volume 52, 1990, Ashburton
- B.S. Thorrold, K.F. O'Connor, J.G.H. White, MANAGEMENT INFLUENCES ON SHEEP BEHAVIOUR, DUNG DISTRIBUTION AND SOIL PHOSPHATE , Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association: Volume 46, 1985, Timaru
- R.J. Lucas, J.G.H. White, G.T. Daly, P. Jarvis, G. Meijer, LOTUS, WHITE CLOVER AND CAUCASION CLOVER OVERSOWING, MESOPOTAMIA STATION, SOUTH CANTERBURY , Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association: Volume 42, 1981, Greymouth
- J.G.H. White, G.R. Edwards, K. Nicholson, Contamination of white clover seed crops by buried seed , Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association: Volume 54, 1992, Gore
- J.G.H. White, G. Meijer, R.H.M. Langer, OVERSOWING GRASSES ON SUNNY AND SHADY FACES , Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association: Volume 34, 1972, Te Anau
- J.G.H. White, INTRODUCTION OF LUCERNE INTO ACID SOILS , Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association: Volume 28, 1966, Alexandra
- J.G.H. White, G. Meijer, J.A. Douglas, COLLEGE GLUTINOSA LUCERNE , Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association: Volume 36, 1974, Oamaru
- D.E. Strachan, A.H. Nordmeyer, J.G.H. White, Nutrient storage in roots and rhizomes of hexaploid Caucasian clover , Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association: Volume 56, 1994, Hanmer Springs