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- F. Nobilly, R.H. Bryant, B.A. Mckenzie, G.R. Edwards, Productivity of rotationally grazed simple and diverse pasture mixtures under irrigation in Canterbury , Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association: Volume 75, 2013, Tauranga
- G.R. Edwards, J.M. de Ruiter, D.E. Dalley, J.B. Pinxterhuis, K.C. Cameron, R.H. Bryant, H.J.di B J. Malcolm, D.F. Chapman, Dry matter intake and body condition score change of dairy cows grazing fodder beet, kale and kale-oat forage systems in winter , Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association: Volume 76, 2014, Alexandra
- H.G. Judson, G.R. Edwards, Survey of management practices of dairy cows grazing kale in Canterbury , Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association: Volume 70, 2008, Blenheim
- G.R. Edwards, A.J. Parsons, S. Rasmussen, R.H. Bryant, High sugar ryegrasses for livestock systems in New Zealand , Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association: Volume 69, 2007, Wairakei
- A.J. Parsons, G.R. Edwards, D.F. Chapman, R.A. Carran, How far have we come: 75 years 'in clover'? , Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association: Volume 68, 2006, Dunedin
- B.J. Gillespie, R.J. Lucas, D.J. Moot, G.R. Edwards, Can topdressing with salt increase oversowing success and pasture quality on steep, south facing slopes in hill country pastures? , Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association: Volume 68, 2006, Dunedin
- A. Mills, D.J. Moot, A. Marshall, G.R. Edwards, Yield and botanical composition of pastures sown under rape into an ex- Pinus radiata forest block , Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association: Volume 69, 2007, Wairakei
- S. Ates, H.E. Brown, R.J. Lucas, M.C. Smith, G.R. Edwards, Effect of ewe stocking rate in spring on subterranean clover persistence and lamb liveweight gain , Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association: Volume 68, 2006, Dunedin
- D.J. Moot, A. Mills, A. Marshall, G.R. Edwards, Lucerne establishment sequences to maximise weed control in ex-Pinus radiata L. plantations , Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association: Volume 69, 2007, Wairakei
- G.R. Edwards, R.J. Lucas, M.R. Johnson, Grazing preference for pasture species by sheep is affected by endophyte and nitrogen fertility , Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association: Volume 55, 1993, Masterton