Productivity of caucasian clover based pastures under irrigation


  • R.A. Moss
  • R.N. Burton
  • B.E. Allan



Grasslands Kara cocksfoot, Grasslands Nui ryegrass, Grasslands Roa tall fescue, Grasslands Gala grazing brome and Grasslands Maru phalaris were sown as single grass species with either white or Caucasian clover during December 1993, on a Lismore stony silt loam in Canterbury. Plots were irrigated and rotationally grazed by sheep. Total herbage produced during the first measurement period (September 1994 to July 1995) averaged 13.6 t DM/ha. All white clover-based swards produced similar yields, but with Caucasian clover, phalaris-based swards produced the most and ryegrass and grazing brome the least. Production tended to be lower from pastures sown with Caucasian than white clover (12.9 cf. 14.2,kg DM/ha). During the second measurement period (July 1995 to May 1996) total production was similar with both legumes. When evaluated over both measurement periods, phalaris and tall fescue gave the highest and cocksfoot and ryegrass the lowest production when sown with white clover, while cocksfoot and grazing brome were the lowestproducing swards with Caucasian clover. Ten,-white-cIover-contributed-in excess of40% of the DM in all swards except with ryegrass and grazing brome where it contributed 20%. The proportion of white clover then declined in all pastures over the following 20 months, ryegrass-based swards having the highest (10%) and cocksfoot the lowest (1%). When sown with Caucasian clover the legume content of swards increased during the 12 months from spring 1994 in swards containing phalaris, tall fescue and grazing brome. The proportion of legume in -cocksfoot swardsmdeclined-continuously from 22 to 4% over the 20 months while it increased continuously from 4 to 28% with ryegrass. The legume content in lo-month-old pastures was higher when sown with white than with Caucasian clover but this ratio was reversed by 28 months. This occurred with all pasture types but was most pronounced with ryegrass and cocksfoot pastures. The present experiment shows Caucasian clover can make a major contribution in irrigated pastures in Canterbury. 'Wattie Bush, RD 22, Peel Forest, Geruldine Keywords: Bromus stamineus, Dactylis glomerata, Festuca arundinacea, grazed pastures, herbage production, Lolium perenne, Phalaris aquatica, Trifolium ambiguum, Trifolium repens







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