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- G.P. Cosgrove, M.G. Hyslop, C.B. Anderson, A.J. Litherland, M.G. Lambert, Integrating novel forage management into sheep farm systems , Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association: Volume 65, 2003, Palmerston North
- D.I. Gray, J.I. Reid, P.D. Kemp, I.M. Brookes, D. Horne, P.R. Kenyon, C. Matthew, S.T. Morris, I. Valentine, Summer management of sheep on summer-wet hill country: insights into decisions made by an "expert" farmer , Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association: Volume 67, 2005, New Plymouth
- G.J. Bishop-Hurley, P.N.P. Matthews, J. Hodgson, C. Dake, C. Matthew, Dairy systems study of the effects of contrasting spring grazing managements on pasture and animal production , Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association: Volume 59, 1997, Auckland
- D.J. Barker, D.A. Clark, E.R. Thom, J.N. Couchman, R.N. Burton, N. Dymock, Pasture species and drought impacts on milk yield 2. Predicted farm milk yield at four sites , Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association: Volume 60, 1998, Nelson
- M.H. Awan, P.D. Kemp, M.A. Choudhary, D.J. Barker, Pasture legume establishment from oversowing in drought-prone hill country , Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association: Volume 55, 1993, Masterton
- A. Hernandez-Garay, J. Hodgson, C. Matthew, Spring grazing management and tiller dynamics in a ryegrass/white clover pasture , Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association: Volume 55, 1993, Masterton
- M.B. Dodd, D.J. Barker, M.E. Wedderburn, Are there benefits of pasture species diversity in hill country? , Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association: Volume 65, 2003, Palmerston North
- P.V. Salles, J. Hodgson, P.N.P. Matthews, C.W. Holmes, N.M. Shadbolt, Efficiency of pasture and supplement management in high producing dairy herds , Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association: Volume 65, 2003, Palmerston North
- D.J. Barker, D.G. Sheppard, A.D. Mackay, N. Dymock, Hill country farm investment options - cocksfoot pasture vs. superphosphate fertiliser , Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association: Volume 61, 1999, Hawkes Bay
- D.R. Stevens, G.J. Platfoot, M.G. Hyslop, T.L. Knight, I.D. Corson, R.J. Littlejohn, Dairy cow production when supplemented with whole-crop cereal silages in spring and autumn , Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association: Volume 66, 2004, Ashburton