Waikato Federated Farmers has recently taken a proactive role in land management issues which has involved developing for farmers an operational definition of sustainable farming and ways of promoting and demonstrating sustainable practices on farm. In partnership with AgResearch and Environment Waikato, the operational definition, management practices and user friendly indicators to aid monitoring were obtained, Sustainable farming recognises socio-economic goals of farmers (viable business, enjoyable lifestyle, good living standards, good short term profitability, satisfied farmers) and resource goals (efficient, contented animals, productive pasture, clean water, control of feral pests, unrestricted market access, adequate rural services, family heath). Grazing guidelines have been produced using the above information and on-farm study groups set up to demonstrate these practices in a whole-farm system. Userfriendly indicators have also been developed and are in use. Keywords: farming goals, guidelines, participatory process, sustainable farming