I FARM 145 ha in partnership with my father at Brydone, which is 21 km south of Gore. The farm is flat and is on three levels. One-third of the area, containing Edendale soils, is situated on a terrace 20 m above the flood plain of the Mataura River. The remaining area below the terrace consists of Mataura soils, apart from some 12 ha of sands and gravels. The fertility of this small area has been built up by heavy winter stocking to enable pasture and lucerne to be established successfully. The Edendale soil, which is developed on deep deposits of windborne material, is the heavier of the two soils, with 18 to 20 cm of topsoil. Gravels occur at about 4 m. The Mataura soils, developed on alluvium, are of variable texture, and gravels may occur at a shallow depth. Both soils are free-draining, but during a dry period, as experienced last summer, the superior moisture-retention properties of the Edendale soils are apparent. Annual rainfall approximates 960 mm and is usually well distributed. Frosts to -10"~ can be expected between May and September. I consider winter to last 90 to 100 days. The property is subdivided into 20 paddocks ranging in size from 1.5 to 8 ha. Stock in each paddock has access to water, and the wholle farm is reticulated with a wire from a mains electric fence controller. The 8-ha paddocks are tm large for maximum pasture utilization unless they are stocked with all the ewe flock, and although it is planned to subdivide them permanently, a temporary electric fence is used at present.